The UV-Cero® product range has been developed by  
'ReTecCom GmbH'.

ReTecCom has been active in the field of spare parts development and repair of self-service systems for the past 19 years. The coronavirus pandemic has prompted us to branch out into a new segment: Air disinfection based on UVC irradiation. 

Working in partnership with experts from the GMBU research institute in Jena (a founding member of the Konrad Zuse Association), we have succeeded in developing a highly effective system (as demonstrated by the test report) that neutralises SARS-CoV-2 and all other viruses. 

We can also prove that our system is absolutely radiation-proof, harmless and thus suitable for any room where people congregate
see test report).

We manage and take responsibility for the entire production process. We therefore always have control over the materials used and the quality standard of our air disinfection systems.

You can find more information on our company website at:


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